Singing Guide: The Battle of Paris

Singing Guide: The Battle of Paris

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Today, we will learn how to sing like Edith Piaf, known as the "Little Sparrow," the iconic French singer of the mid-20th century. Piaf's vocal technique is characterized by her emotional and dramatic style, clear diction, and remarkable vibrato. She was the voice of Paris and her songs immortalized in French culture.

To learn to sing like Piaf, you need to devote time and effort to developing your voice. Here are some practical tips to help:

  1. Tone and Breath Support - A balanced and aligned posture helps maintain correct alignment of vocal cords. Focus on lengthening your spine and lifting your sternum. Take deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
  2. Master Vibrato - Piaf had a unique and enchanting vibrato. Practice singing a long note with a slight pulsing sound several times, slowly increasing the speed and intensity until you have learned to control it.
  3. Dynamics - Piaf's strongest skill was her ability to express intense emotion through her singing. Practice infusing your singing with emotion and dynamics. Exaggerate the expression until you can add it effortlessly to your singing.
  4. Diction and Phrasing - Work on your French pronunciation and phrasing by listening and singing along with Piaf's songs. Practice breaking down the words one by one and working on mastering them so that you can connect with the music.
  5. Song Selection - After mastering the above techniques, choose a few of Piaf’s songs to practice singing along with. This will help with developing a strong connection to the music and expressing the emotion in your singing.

At Singing Carrots, we provide several resources to aid in your learning process. Our Vocal Range Test helps you determine your vocal range, while our Pitch Accuracy Test assesses your pitch accuracy, and our Vocal Pitch Monitor visualizes your sung notes on a virtual piano.

Practice exercises for twang, growling, vibrato, breath support, articulation, and chest voice/voice registers using our skill-related videos. For example, practice the Farinelli breathing exercise for warm-up practice, which focuses on controlled breathing and increasing lung capacity. Check out our Singing Course's 21 lessons, which covers the singing theory and practical tips.

Our singing course includes tips on contemporary vocal techniques such as heavy modal, twang, and belting. We also cover singing with emotion, thinking, and intuition along with practical information on vocal distortion, growling and vibrato.

Some of our articles, such as "Voice types", "Breath support", "Open mouth & throat," "How to find your authentic voice," explain vocal anatomy and provide tips on how to take proper care of your throat and voice.

In conclusion, to achieve Piaf's singing style, practice the techniques, develop your voice, and master emotion and French diction. Use Singing Carrots' resources to help you achieve your desired result. A journey to become a good singer needs to begin with determination, hard work, and practice. So let your "La Vie en Rose" be filled with melody.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.